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Security Error while unpacking a Received message: Server Replied with

a wrong session id

Server sent a very old message with id 8282829283782, ignoring (see faqs)

Server Closed the connection: 0 bytes read on a total of 8

What's the reason for this?

4 ответов

16 просмотров

Each time you run the script, a new .session file is created in the current directory. Deleting these files allows you to reuse the same session name. This should fix the issue.

Mohammad-Sharif Автор вопроса
{🇮🇳} 𝗕ooo™  ‌ [ᴀꜰᴋ] ᴏꜰꜰʟɪɴᴇ
Each time you run the script, a new .session file ...

My script is running on a run until complete() So already at the top a session is assigned with it's account number as the name But still 😦

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