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Would someone know how to rewrite packr (v1) code to

the go-native embed?


It's a handful of lines in the codebase, but I have no clue how to rewrite it as I do not usually work with golang.

12 ответов

22 просмотра

learn and do it yourself

you can use embed in two ways: - embed dir as filesystem - embed file as string or []byte variable

https://github.com/ansible-semaphore/semaphore/blob/85d9936082bc8a3fc763ff8d3f1f6a6695bfc956/db/sql/migration.go#L38 this looks like it requires the first approach

here's how to use embed.FS

Martin-Rys Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
here's how to use embed.FS

I've ran into a bit of a snag. /api/router.go embeds ../web/dist and embed does not support accessing parent. I've seen this resolved by putting the embeds in a higher go file, but there isn't one, what's the proper solution here? A) Reorganizing the directory structure (author probably won't like this and it will require a lot of reorganizing) B) Creating /embed.go and putting embeds there C) Something else entirely

Martin Rys
I've ran into a bit of a snag. /api/router.go embe...

How many embedded files are there? If there aren't many I would simply use variable embedding

Martin Rys

Ah, it's an embedded web frontend, I see Then variables are not an option.

Martin Rys
I've ran into a bit of a snag. /api/router.go embe...

Variant B would be using the variables approach in embed.go?

Martin-Rys Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
Variant B would be using the variables approach in...

it would be using /embed.go to embed web/dist as then there will be no need to access a higher directory structure, though I am not sure how exactly to implement it.

Martin-Rys Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
Variant B would be using the variables approach in...

I am not sure if that's a valid approach, tried using the same api package for the include, but apparently then it should be in the same directory as the other api files. Tried creating another new package, but I failed at all attempts to import it.

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