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Have someone used `postgresql+psycopg` (psycopg aka. psycopg3) as "`dialect+driver`" for

sqlachemy, and also with alembic?

`engine = create_engine(

I'm asking 'cause i get error from sqlachemy when trying to create autogenerated revision by alembic:

sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:driver

I know that I can simply use psycopg2, but at official documentation is claimed support for psycopg3, but in my case sqlalchemy doesn't recognize psyopcg3` as eligble driver.

So have someone used psycopg3 with sqlachemy and alembic and have you encountered the same problem, if yes, then how to fix that?

7 ответов

19 просмотров

what is your sqlalchemy version?

Have you tried just write postgresql://?

Have you tried just write postgresql://?

yes, this works fine but it's uses psycopg2 as driver by default (if you don't specify driver for postgresql dialect) , but i'd like to use psycopg3.

what if uninstall psycopg2?

I have tried to conect to postgres only with sqlalchemy (without alembic) to do some DD (Data Definiton -> creating tables) and DM (Data Manipulation -> CRUD)operations, like Base.metadata.create_all(bind=POSTGRES_ENGINE) by using postgresql+psycopg in engine url, and all works fine, as i understand this is problem of alembic, not the sqlachemy.

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