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Hi, Can I ask questions related to WordPress theme development


7 ответов

22 просмотра

Don't ask to ask!! Just asking for "help" won't get you any answer. ➡️ Directly ask your question with sufficient details so that people can immediately look into it and answer you if they know enough on that subject to help.


smr- Автор вопроса

Ok, so I have a plan to build a personal WordPress theme, and after doing some research, I believe it is a good idea to use a starter theme. I have found the following repositories: - https://github.com/roots/sage - https://github.com/wprig/wprig - https://github.com/digitoimistodude/air-light I would like to know which one, apart from their used technologies, doesn't require external plugins and doesn't force me to buy them? I see that Sage is quite good, but I'm worried about getting trapped after starting the theme development. Also, according to the Air Light documentation, it requires me to purchase the ACF PRO plugin at some stage, which I don't want to do. If anyone has any other starter themes to recommend, I would be grateful. P.S. It is important that the project doesn't become deprecated and abandoned. Additionally, I would be glad to know if you are aware of any other international groups. I couldn't find anything.

Ok, so I have a plan to build a personal WordPress...

How about you just start your own theme without relying on any other theme. This way you wont have the issues you are afraid of and you can learn more from it

smr- Автор вопроса
How about you just start your own theme without re...

I don't have any prior knowledge of theme development. I'm concerned that I might not be able to write one properly. As a solution, I've decided to use sage since it doesn't require additional paid plugins. I have another question at the moment. In the sage documentation, it suggests using composer to initiate the project. However, if I prefer to fork it using git, would that cause any issues later on?

I don't have any prior knowledge of theme developm...

lets ask it that way. there apparently is a documentation which shows you how to start. you apparently dont know much about the language or the tools... so ask yourself, why exactly are you deviating from the path? and why are you asking others for approval whether you are able to deviate from said path?

smr- Автор вопроса
lets ask it that way. there apparently is a docume...

There are documented instructions, but some instructions may be undocumented. For instance, there are multiple active forks of this project, but it's uncertain whether they have encountered any problems. I'm not seeking approval from others, but I'm requesting suggestions to save time. Even without answers, I will continue on this path.For example, if you haven't set up a V2Ray proxy before, it doesn't mean you can't do it. Regarding this question, the answer should be "No! You can't; it's a PHP group, not WordPress!" I actually tried to find a WordPress group, but I didn't find any (most are in Persian or Russian). Thanks anyway.

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