Похожие чаты

Hello good time The project I am working on is about

How can I charge the client's account with Stripe and then deduct the money from the client's account after the consultation?
Should I use stripe.js to connect to the customer's bank account and enter bank account information on our site? And is it possible not to fill in the bank account information on our site? Is there a way?

3 ответов

18 просмотров

I'm not fully sure what you mean, you're charging your client money from your consulting services and you are asking how? Or you're building a webapp about consulting stuff and need to bill the people using your app monthly or something?

Flower-farshid Автор вопроса
I'm not fully sure what you mean, you're charging ...

where a customer pays for a consulting service (e.g., $50), and the payment is not finalized immediately but instead after an hour of consultation, you can use Stripe's PaymentIntents with manual confirmation. Additionally, you want the ability for the admin to refund the payment in case of customer dissatisfaction.

Flower farshid
where a customer pays for a consulting service (e....

Oh I might not understand your question than, didn't you just answer it yourself? 😄

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