opencv and machine libraries in same project with thonny?
really can u guide me or send a toturial link?🙂 i have installed opencv but i only can use it when the thonny interpreter is on python. and then i cant use machine lib and when the interpreter is set on raspberry pi pico w, i cant use opencv but can use machine
what is the exact error message?
as an example i wanna turn on an led when my phone camera detects a movtion, else turn of the led i wanna do this with machine and opencv in thonny environment and programming a raspberry pi pico w
Take a proper screenshot
The error is clear. Can you read what it says⁇ Did you install anything called "machine"⁇
Cannot see. Do a proper screenshot
look at down-right side of photos when i set thonny interpreter on python, it knows opencv but doesnt know machine library(second photo) but when i set it on raspberry pi interpreter, it knows machine but doesnt know opencv(first photo) now i want it to know both of opencv and machine libraries on raspberry pi pico mode
hi look at down-right side of photos when i set thonny interpreter on python, it knows opencv but doesnt know machine library(second photo) but when i set it on raspberry pi interpreter, it knows machine but doesnt know opencv(first photo) now i want it to know both of opencv and machine libraries on raspberry pi pico mode
Your photo is bad. Do proper screenshot and paste into Telegram desktop or Telegram web
ahh so its says its impossible🙁
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