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Does anyone know that Coinbase's eth can be used as

a cross-chain bridge? Do the eth of each chain share the same eth to coinbase? I want to use other cheap chains from other exchanges to coinbase, and then use its eth chain to transfer out.

6 ответов

11 просмотров

I just used Arbitrum and it did work. as long as both source and destination support the same network

Buddha- Автор вопроса
I just used Arbitrum and it did work. as long as b...

I mean use arb to deposit eth then use erc20 to withdraw that fund is OK? cross it

I mean use arb to deposit eth then use erc20 to wi...

any exchange can do that, as long as they support both eth and arb

I mean use arb to deposit eth then use erc20 to wi...

Depends on your exchange. I can't tell your specific case.

Buddha- Автор вопроса
just ask coinbase

I do not think you understand the implications of what I said or what I was answering if your suggestion is to ask coinbase

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