Schema? Or general tools they like to use around it
Yaml, then convert it to JSON
Is Go still alive and funded by Google?
What project structure should I follow? We’re using AWS - S3, SQS, MySQL, etc. we also need to manage secrets/env vars. We want to be able to support more technologies for ...
What other than <- and -> makes it a language feature?
It's mostly a moot point anyway. I know it's technically possible, but have you ever had crypto/rand fail?
Anybody who has go dev job or go project, could you please hire me?
can I temporarily disable garbage collection in order to use memory addresses as keys in a hash map while marshaling a cyclic data structure? without disabling GC, it might mo...
But you still need mutexes in Go, right?
anyone knows any mailer that accept multiple smtp's?
Hey everyone I'm working on CLI program in go, and I'm trying to structure it this way: / ...another root folder files /cool/main.go /cool/another.go /cool/go.mod H...
This is a super dumb basic question but my google-foo is failing me. I want like, a basic text writer utility that writes to an underlying io.Writer I want to avoid using fm...
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