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Does anyone use zed as a replacement for vscode ?? ofcourse

for working with python

9 ответов

9 просмотров

i do;

Fan / Ac- Автор вопроса
Mat Lumin
i do;

does extensions lile git lens ruff black jupyter notebook copilot work ?? I think it doesnt, but I am fed up with vscode not selecting python interpreter especially for notebooks and running into module not found error

Fan / Ac
does extensions lile git lens ruff black jupyter n...

well i dont use extensions at all; i use git and LLMS outside of my ide;

Fan / Ac
does extensions lile git lens ruff black jupyter n...

..you're fed up with the Python interpreter selection?

Mat Lumin
why dont you use the good old CMD?

because while it's certainly old, it's definitely not good

⟨ Simon | Schürrle ⟩
because while it's certainly old, it's definitely ...

To be honest, CMD is the best. Everything else is too high-level imo and you don't understand what happens there

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