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Does updating a value in a row rewrite the whole

row or just the value? I know this might be a stupid question, most likely it will just update the specific column, but I just wanted a confirmation

5 ответов

13 просмотров

That is db engine specific behaviour

Roy- Автор вопроса
Ludovic 'Archivist' Lagouardette
That is db engine specific behaviour

Thanks for the reply. What can I search on Google so that I get my answer? I'm looking specifically for MySQL

Thanks for the reply. What can I search on Google ...

If you are using InnoDB and if I remember correctly, each value is a different record Searching for that kind of thing on Google may be hard, you may want to search for the developer documentation and for the source code directly

Thanks for the reply. What can I search on Google ...

Another way of getting the correct answer would be to rant about it on reddit/stackoverflow stating an obviously wrong answer like you know what you are talking about

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