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Am i your free slave?

5 ответов

7 просмотров

when did I ever imply this?

Déjà vu- Автор вопроса
when did I ever imply this?

if i create something (that in case of programming most of the times is unique) and i want make money from it and you force me to be rival of pirates or those who steal my unique ideas and also want me to offer better services that they steal again so i'm your free slave. i preffer to not enter this path at all so gov also cares otherwise the end of humanity will happen sooner :b

Déjà vu
if i create something (that in case of programming...

and how much does the government do to prevent piracy, really?

Déjà vu- Автор вопроса
and how much does the government do to prevent pir...

in a proper country at maximum. in my country situations are different.

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