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Any backend developer who knows nextjs? Was it helpful to

know nextjs along with your backend development?

3 ответов

3 просмотра

Your aim determines what path you follow, where are you going?

Terminal-צוֹנֵן Автор вопроса
Friday Candour [Ask to PM]
Your aim determines what path you follow, where ar...

I have to develop a dashboard and I'm good at backend. For frontend layout I thought to buy a template from and make in into gohugo and 2nd thought was to buy it and implement frontend using nextjs. That way I won't have to do the css styling and only focus on frontend logic. Does this sounds reasonable or total flop?

Terminal צוֹנֵן
I have to develop a dashboard and I'm good at back...

Your aim is to have a working dashboard without wasting time building the front-end from basic, Yea buying a template and implementing it with nextjs sounds OK if it's not a complication for you.

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