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Why not just improve debuggers to do a realtime preprocessor

pass find the problem for us?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

afaik macros are removed in the 4th phase of the compilation, there's no trace of their usage in the binary built which makes it difficult for debuggers to do that. Also macros in C++ are severely limited in functionality so people don't use it any often. I doubt somone would go through the effort of making it possible when one can write a plugin for editors which can just preprocess the text expanding all macros for you. Now that I think about it some compilers do offer expanding macros for you but idk.

counter question, why use a macro in first place? You can't separate them with namespace and they are going to leak into your dependent code most of the time

Déjà vu- Автор вопроса
Kuntal M
counter question, why use a macro in first place? ...

because as example sometimes i just need simple text replacements to make the code more readable. i'm not suggesting to do everything inside macro

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