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Why create software that be cracked by another ?

30 ответов

7 просмотров

Cause there are other countries that actually enforce copyright and people dont pirate software generally speaking. It's both morally and legally wrong. Unless it's a book published by Elsevier in that case only legally wrong

do open source, problem solved

علیرضا- Автор вопроса
Kuntal M
do open source, problem solved

But create software is realy hard and I can't do this without money

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Kuntal M
I said open source not free

How to get money?with open source

How to get money?with open source

There are some business plans that work with OpenSource. Donations, selling a premium version, usually with premium features slowly getting into the free version, selling a support service, or selling the right to pick which bugs get priory, selling a service based on your software. They can all be mixed according to what fits you. They're may be other ways to profit off of OpenSource that I hadn't thought of right now

Avihay B
There are some business plans that work with OpenS...

GPL mandates whoever uses your program needs unrestricted access to the source code, not everyone, one can just put a price to download the software along with the source code. Trademark mark the names and the person with the source code can't share the builds from the source the have unless they rebrand the whole thing.

How to get money?with open source

you provide services around your software, take for example blender, it earns from blender cloud subscription where people pay for assets/tutorials/courses

علیرضا- Автор вопроса
Avihay B
There are some business plans that work with OpenS...

Thanks But in Iran all the step above is ineffective And all programs be cracked and free for people

Thanks But in Iran all the step above is ineffect...

No piracy hacking or cracking discussion is allowed in thedevs network We DO NOT support NOR condone piracy

Thanks But in Iran all the step above is ineffect...

Your statement is FALSE those paid software which require hardware backed dongles or tokens to run cannot be simply done like that way

علیرضا- Автор вопроса
For example which software?

Sonnox Oxford Pro Audio codecs and many other pro audio software It requires the insertion of hardware based software protection dongle called iLok to be able to install or run it It is impossible to bruteforce because it uses AES-256 or higher level security

علیرضا- Автор вопроса
علیرضا- Автор вопроса
# | OP 8T
Sonnox Oxford Pro Audio codecs and many other pro ...

Was cracked https://alovst.ir/sonnox-oxford-plug-ins-v2/

# | OP 8T
Sonnox Oxford Pro Audio codecs and many other pro ...

One person can pay for it and extract unencrypted stuff. It's called reverse engineering It's possible unless it's cloud based

Was cracked https://alovst.ir/sonnox-oxford-plug-...

That's one of the very few things that are kinda cool about iran


I saw the first leaked iso of windows 11 in persian sources

I saw the first leaked iso of windows 11 in persia...

We get those from Russian and Chinese sources usually but the actual cool thing is that they use torrents, tor, i2p, etc. we just dont need those it's available on good ol' normal websites over http(s) and foreign corporations can do fuck all about it

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