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Did anyone worked as backend dev using java based lang

like scala and is it true that performance is better than node & python?

6 ответов

2 просмотра

Like 90% of members are Spring or EE devs. And yes JVM is in the 12th most performant according to debian benchmarks

Terminal-צוֹנֵן Автор вопроса
Nader Jafari
Like 90% of members are Spring or EE devs. And yes...

Initially i started learning java 3 years ago but then jumped to js and then node & python Now after checking some linkedin portfolio for java it looks like java ecosystem is way bigger than I thought

Nader Jafari
Like 90% of members are Spring or EE devs. And yes...

Which VM comes first? Where can I see the rating?

Илья Я Я
Which VM comes first? Where can I see the rating?


Why you're so concerned about performance? "I will be java dev instead of nodejs because java is more performant" - that doesn't sound wise. It's better to pick lang+technology based on your interests and whether you like to work in the field where it is applied. For example, I don't like python at all, and I wouldn't switch to python dev career even if it was 5x time more performant than java. Or another example - if I chose C and hated MCU and low level programming.... That sounds ridiculous, right?)) If you like to work with backend and you like python and node - why to switch to java? (I'm not talking about "just for fun" or "learn something new" things here of course)

Terminal-צוֹנֵן Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
Why you're so concerned about performance? "I will...

I'm mainly interested in android app development and this is where java jumps in. I don't like the idea of using react native for android app development. Plus, I have some offers for apex(salesforce) which I am also interested in.

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