the dll to be around the same dir as the executable, well, was wondering how I can make cmake copy over the dll dependencies into that directory:
EG: I have CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = "C:/Libs" on windows, and there is a b.dll in there that I am using, so was wondering how to copy it to my current build directory with cmake?
You can use: PROJECT_BINARY_DIR and file(COPY ...:
you could just statically link with it, or better use install()
LGPL library, I thought that restricted from static linking, or was I imagining my own things?
of if it's restricted then don't do it :D license issues are no joke
omg i looked for a book like this for so long and eventually bought craig scott's book
I gave up on CMake and use GNU Make until I feel like switching to mk
😂, Guess you one of those wierdos who write nmake files for msvc? 😂
nah, I use Visual Studio and I cry very hard
Here is some roll 🧻 😂😂, don't wet the keyboard.
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