Похожие чаты

Who cares? It's still an academic language that is ill

suited for real world applications

9 ответов

10 просмотров

Why did you start a discussion on java here?

java? it has some use cases fr production

Shlomi Fish
java? it has some use cases fr production

Don't encourage other language discussions in C/C++ group

Shlomi Fish
i'm tired of "this is off topic" censorship

you are to follow the rules of the chat, simple as that

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
you are to follow the rules of the chat, simple as...

as the emperor of Fantasia , I tell you that you are to abide by the guidelines of God.

Shlomi Fish
as the emperor of Fantasia , I tell you that you a...

lol, anyways. No one wants language wars here. I could see people would eventually start to bitch about java. There is devs chat for that, go there and talk about language politics God whatever. I'll consider this discussion done.

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