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Hi. I have a mfc based application that has tearing

issue on windows 7 on some weak hardware. How can I fix tearing?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

Tell your customers that Windows 7 is not longer supported and its their problem.

Tell your customers that Windows 7 is not longer s...

Then you are behaving just as bad with your customers as Microsoft and Apple

Nader Jafari
Then you are behaving just as bad with your custom...

How is this bad? No one can support old software indefinitely. Windows 7 is a dead platform. Continued use of it will cause another attack similar to this https://www.wired.com/story/notpetya-cyberattack-ukraine-russia-code-crashed-the-world/

How is this bad? No one can support old software i...

When people love it you shouldn't just dump it into trash can

Nader Jafari
When people love it you shouldn't just dump it int...

Some people love MS DOS. So? You can use it, but don't expect anyone to support it.

Nader Jafari
How many are they

Don't know. It doesn't matter. You had 10 years support with Windows 7 as promised by Microsoft . That's way more than any hardware product.

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