Похожие чаты

Hey guys i have a question im declaring a dynamic array

in a function and that function return that array
how should i delete that array ?
because that array is in heap and i dont want to make a memory leak in my program

int* func(){
int* arr = new int [10];
//make changes in array
return arr;
thank you

6 ответов

4 просмотра

That's why you shouldn't return arrays in this way and delegate the responsibility of deleting to a caller. Why don't you use vector?

SULLIVAN- Автор вопроса
That's why you shouldn't return arrays in this way...

no i just wanted to know if there is a solution for that case thank you

no i just wanted to know if there is a solution fo...

Caller must delete it or you can return a unique pointer instead of a raw one.

SULLIVAN- Автор вопроса
Caller must delete it or you can return a unique p...

sorry what do you mean by caller? and what do you mean by unique pointer and raw pointer?

sorry what do you mean by caller? and what do you ...

Caller - code that calls this method and uses the pointer. unique_ptr - https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/unique_ptr raw pointer - regular C style pointer

SULLIVAN- Автор вопроса

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