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Here is my story about that. I am not sure about

the heap, but correct me if there is something wrong.

My question was:
Why the multithreaded process does not StackOverflow?

In this story, I am talking about pthread.
1. When a process spawns a thread, its thread shares the same virtual memory address with the main process.
2. Every single thread has its stack.

These facts imply that a single process will have a stack size more than R_LIMIT_STACK.

> Because every single thread has its stack with the same size as the main process
> and the memory owned by the thread is also owned by the main process.

So what happens here?
> mmap is behind this strange limit stack violation.
> When the process spawns a thread with ptread_create, it also maps heap and plugs it to RSP register that is held by the thread.
> So it will not make your program StackOverflow because of spawning thread.
> Stack in the thread is actually heap that is mapped with MAP_STACK.

2 ответов

6 просмотров
Ammar-Faizi Автор вопроса

I could figure it out by using strace.

Ammar-Faizi Автор вопроса

I did, this is my conclusion in the case above, I could not find the article about that. So I would welcome for any correction.

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