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I'M not hacker or anything but i always suffer when

i see that you are wasting your energy, time and resources for finding something in wrong places, anyways as long as i know, these kind of simple mistakes happens and are usable just in complex codes (to hopefuly not get fix soon) and opportunities are different and very dynamic depend on code, compilation and environment, bringing fake simple examples won't help, for example even after you could read couple of bytes outside of buffer what you can do with it if you don't know what exists there and how stuffs works in very low level details? anyways there are many writeups for real exploitations which you can find publicly available in internet, but at the end you must try to be a good programmer and try to reason about real codes before that topic, starting from bugs is not a good approach leads to nowhere after a lot headaches. try to intall gentoo or linux from scratch, customize it as hell and see from inside and read books and write and debug a lot code and play a lot with compilers and read a lot bleeding edge code, you will see many dynamic mistakes and after proper understanding, you can use bugs for crafted purposes for the code's context as much as you know about the context and applied defences and limitations. the more you learn the more details you will face with, it's an endless journey, don't assume that ctfs and labs will be key to ultimate power, these are designed just to show you a mental view. security is a huge topic you can not avoid details.
in the other hand you will enjoy programming a lot if you try to code which maybe even change your goals

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The definition of the Great Wall of Text

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