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I am trying to create a poc in order to

achieve the following vulnerabilty bug class in my code for my research porpuses based on the top 25 from cwe I got the following list from the most insecure code bug class, how can I implement an Out-of-bounds Read / Out-of-bounds Write in the shown code in order bypass ASLR security via info leaks?

Information leak
Out-of-bounds Read
Use After Free
Integer Overflow or Wraparound
Out-of-bounds Write
Heap overflow
> The only way to reliably bypass DEP and ASLR is through an pointer
> leak. This is a situation where a value on the stack, at a reliable
> location, might be used to locate a usable function pointer or ROP
> gadget. Once this is done, it is sometimes possible to create a
> payload that reliably bypasses both protection mechanisms.

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class A
void Func() { cout << "the address is: " << this <<endl; }

void Test(void)
A *p;


A a;
p = &a;

p->Func(); //dangling pointer

int main()
return 0;

1 ответов

6 просмотров

if you are starting, I think you should avoid aslr first, but if you are interested... check implementations of rop

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