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Won’t take you a sec to look at the settings

its a simple gui tho

saving terminal commands takes longer and you probably forget the options and everytime before using it you will read the man pages

so nope , linux takes longer and this is not really something confusing to get

simple gui would help the user to reach the settings most likely quicker and easier

one other thing , changing ip is not a casual user thing

why would a normal user change his ip ?
no reason .

and I already said , I was talking about the regular user not power users

1 ответов

7 просмотров

it's not an issue of using the settings GUI or not, it's the fact that those interfaces do change, remember from XP to 7, or 7 to 8, or 8 to 10 ? I do use opensuse BTW. Users that are accustomed to use user interfaces and are regular users as you put it, if they change to Mac or Linux there are GUI's for them. But two powerusers one in Linux and another one in Windows, as the discussion started, in Linux a user is more efficient because there is: 1- More than one way to do things, you choose the best, 2- Often there is a direct step to the thing you need

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