6 months . I have all the basics (Functions, Pointers, Structs)
What should i do ?
I feel that i have to make a medium project ? Is that right ? If not what should i learn more?
Read about: Stacks (cstack), heaps, in which sections (un)initialized data and code are linked, in general how compilers and linkers work, understanding how machine code, assembly language and CPU's work (Learn for instance MIPS and theres also a nice MIPS simulator which is called MARS http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/mars/, see how loops and branches are implemented in Assembly), read about architectures (Intel, arm), big endian/little endian, calling conventions for functions... Those things will help you to understand what your application is actually doing and that will help you to better debug your application and find errors
And you could make a framework/API for coding object oriented in C (assumed that you know object oriented programming)
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