Похожие чаты

The typical conversation here: === 1 === - Hi all! - Hi! === 2

- I'm new to this, what should I do?
- [a stackoverflow URL of good quality, which can be easily obtained by Googling]

=== 3 ===
- [A problem considered simple, from the view of "experts"]
- Pay me or do your homework on your own!

=== 4 ===
[Picture showing code, shot by phone]

=== 5 ===
- Which {compiler, IDE, editor} is the best?
- [Heated discussion]

Don't you think the group neither fits beginners nor non-beginners?

It rarely provides useful information for the non-beginners. I don't expect all topics discussed here to be high quality, but let's have *some* meaningful discussion here at least, alright? I've seen active users leave this group, and I guess if the condition holds, only the people who enjoy sharing knowledge stay here at last.

It provides more harm than help to beginners. The beginners' problems may seem simple, but it doesn't necessary mean they are seeking free homework solutions. When you have the patience, it's absolutely good if you're willing to guide the beginners. If not, then please just keep silent and don't mock the beginners. "Pay me to do your homework", doesn't it sound like a quarrel between 10-year-olds? Emotional, noisy and non-constructive.

It's not the first time that I feel the unhealthy environment in this group. Now you can see, nobody talks, except new-comers asking beginner questions, unaware of the atmosphere.

2 ответов

4 просмотра

Yeah, you're kinda right.

well the problem is non beginners aren't talking thus beginners are flooding the chat

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