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Speaking of compile time programming... I was trying to find some

solution to create compile time computed strings from strings I supply.
Like, imagine a simple string preprocessor that removes the occurrences of the letter 'z' from the input string.
All I found was unreadable dark template magic, or macro usage, which in this case may be better (if you ignore type safety and other possible hidden bugs lurking).
I'm also limited by c++11

6 ответов

4 просмотра

Well if people managed to get regex engines written in templates, I'm sure you can do this simple task.

C++20 allows us to use string in constexpr and consteval functions so you can but caveats exists...

Add another build step that generates C++ code from Python or something.

There's Cython, but that's just C.

Avihay-B Автор вопроса
Add another build step that generates C++ code fro...

I did. It works, but it's not inline in the code next to where it needs to be, so it's not optimal

There's Cython, but that's just C.

Actually using a different language like say Python was a quite common in C++ world and is still is, for meta programming stuff..

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