Похожие чаты

Struct Info { char

int id;

auto ptr = new Info;

it is confuse me, I am beginner .
so now info address is point to the first field argument which is allocated on the stack ? right ?

then ?!
is ch allocated on the heap ?

5 ответов

15 просмотров
Abdulrhman-Alhazmi Автор вопроса

Changing the fields as pointers struct Info { char *ch; int * id; }; the size of Info became larger than the last one which ( 8 bytes) ( because padding ) but it became ( 16 bytes ) after make them pointers ?! and the struct address is not pointing to the first field address which is not allocated yet ?!

it's defined on heap (physical address locator) and has a counter of references related with stack call handlers.

Abdulrhman Alhazmi
Changing the fields as pointers struct Info { ...

pointer's size may vary between 4 and 20 bytes, it depends of compiler.

Abdulrhman-Alhazmi Автор вопроса

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