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Actually i know c/c++ well but i want to write

and programm EMBEDED SYSTEMS,
its better that i use with assembly?(should i learn it for microcontrolers and hardwares) or no?
its better to write programs in c/c++ in micros

6 ответов

10 просмотров
Caroline- Автор вопроса

can we use c++ consider assembly? (is this feature?)

can we use c++ consider assembly? (is this feature...

https://archivist.nekoit.xyz/syscall-for-linux-on-clang/ Here you can find how to do linux system calls in C++ using inline assembly in clang or gcc when you think either standard libraries are for nerds. You will need to do similar things for embedded systems

If it had been even slightly less savoury my code reviewer would have had aneurism and rambled for hours on why my solution was too inelegant

Ludovic 'Archivist' Lagouardette
If it had been even slightly less savoury my code ...

Nah, some high-tech tricks about concurrency well explained.

Nah, some high-tech tricks about concurrency well ...

I hope my students are as appreciative, but I plan to torment them with Hoare partition, quickselect and implementing a VM for a calculator in less than 3 hours at 25 working at once on the same git repo so I doubt I'll get the tiniest sliver of appreciation

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