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Hey guys !! how do we can detect incoming track is

webcam or screen share in webrtc ?

8 ответов

7 просмотров

Sounds not possible

Masoud- Автор вопроса
Masoud- Автор вопроса

First I'm writing a SFU and I need to know which type of stream is coming (webcam or screen share) and only property that will share between local and remote peer without any changes is stream id and the rest including track id will changes so I don't need them. In broadcaster client side I have a streamType variable and when user clicks on EnableWebcam button I will change value of that var to "webcam" and then add the track to peer connection when negotiation needed event triggers I will modify the sdp because there is a attribute in sdp with the key "extmap" and value of some url that won't be used by browser so I will replace that url with my streamType :)) and complete the renegotiation then in server in ontrack event function I will find the track by stream id and get that streamType from sdp and again set that streamType as stream id for the new track that I want to add to viewers peer connection and finally in viewer client side ontrack event function : streams[0].id === "webcam" ? console.log('webcam') : console.log('screenShare') (sorry for detailed explaining)

First I'm writing a SFU and I need to know which t...

Jeez that's a lot, but basically you know because the user selected. So it's not possible to detect

Masoud- Автор вопроса
Jeez that's a lot, but basically you know because ...

I was looking for a way to understand that incoming track is webcam or screen share in server and viewers browser and now I have it 🤷🏻‍♂

Yea because the user tells you

So that I can select real cam option and just stream my obs virtual cam 🌚

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