it because its in my syllabus. but I thought not waste time just to learn it for college. I am a little bit interested and familiar to the syntax at least. What should I learn next? before that I have one more question. I am not able to setup a php env for myself. I use arch and I have installed lamp and xampp. both doesn't work for me. maybe I am doing something wrong. I can't always go to online compiler to practice it.
this lamp process is sucking me. I've read articles for it. A lot of them says, I must a vps to proceed but I just want an environment. just like c, java, python, i just write the program in a file and compile and execute it. I don't want to make a server for everyone. Can anyone help me on that, still keeping things simple as possible?
1- if you have docker or vagrant you can use them 2- use wamp or xampp on windows or xampp on linux 3- simply run php dev server with this command in development directory : php -S localhost:80 and for start database (mysql/mariadb) on windows : sc start mysql or sc start mariadb on linux (systemd) : sudo systemctl start mysql or sudo systemctl start mariadb
can I do all this without docker or vagrant? btw I tried xampp, it installed in /opt/lampp/ directory. after that I closed the installation window. I searched for xamp or lamp in search but i didn't found any. I am also following a youtuber but after these offline setup things didn't work. I uninstalled all and moved to one compiler on the internet. If I don't get a xamp or lamp configuration window open how would I set it up? from the terminal? I thought to search things on arch wiki. I will let you guys know when would need help. Thank you so much for help.
Microsoft deprecate support PHP
You can install lamp just locally like you would on a server
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