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Why do you think so? I tried Upwork a year

ago. There were a lot of competitors (20-30 bids for each project) and it was difficult to take a project. Especially when you have not good profile

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This is probably not the group to talk about it... But since no one else is talking, I'll ramble.. here is why I left upwork. First of all, There are too many people willing to work for a stupid low price. You are never going to get a contract by under cutting others in bid. They take 20% cut in the beginning which is too much for me. Terrible customer support who kept closing support tickets on me without asking me if my problem was resolved. They flag any link sent in private chat. Usually, Clients asked for a link to my linkedin, github or some project and I shared it. All the links were flagged and displayed a message like, "keep your conversation on upwork yada yada yada". After a few month of this, My account was blocked. I tried to get it back because I had little bit of money in it that I hadn't transferred to bank account but after 10-15 days of talking to customer support I closed the ticket and moved on.. Customer support kept telling me how it was against their tos to take all the clients away from upwork.. Freelancer is also awful but it's less awful than upwork.

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