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Hi, I wanted to add authorization in a spring boot

REST API. I used jwt tokens in a cookie with an interceptor check if the user is authorized or not and i have to call a custom function in each controller with the request as parameter to get the user details. Does this implementation has any issue? Should I move to spring security with a custom filter instead? Would it be easy to get the user details if spring security is used instead?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

It sounds good, but almost identical thing is done by spring security. Personally I recommend to not waste your time on building custom homebrew solution, but rather spend this time on learning spring security. The benefits: - spring security is more mature - it's both more flexible and better tested than what you'll create - it's ubiquitous, so by learning how to do it with spring security, you'll have a highly relevant skill in your skill set - it's better designed, believe me)) think of how much code you would need to change in your custom solution if you had to add new rule like "user should have ABC_RW role for doing POST,DELETE,PUT on url /a/b/c/*/protected/** "

Ajith- Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
It sounds good, but almost identical thing is done...

Spring security was an overkill for the project. Thats why i decided to go with a custom solution. I don't need roles and all. I will spend some time to learn spring security more. Thank you :)

Ajith- Автор вопроса

He thinks that you're using basic authentication instead of implementing something that is more secure.

Ajith- Автор вопроса
Sander Koenders
He thinks that you're using basic authentication i...

What would be more secure? I was using jwt tokens with secure cookies.

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