settings for products? I want users to be able to create whatever characteristics they want if they so desire, and then filter through them, such as if someone were to sell a computer, they'd add
{ processor: x, graphicCard: y, gpu: false }
I was planning on storing users, settings, subscriptions and all of that with SQL, but I can't be expected to have 200 column entries, one for each thinkable setting a product may have, and given that it's open market, anyone could just want to introduce a new category of product.
You can store in just one column, called users settings, or something like that, with a nvarchar(max) size for sample. But this can brougth some problems, like somebody could create graphic card, and other user could create grapic card, or something... and it is not a good idea search in char fields,in this case, i suggest you create a new table, where you create all the categories, or correct them... or just save in this table all the options
the problem is i don't know what they're gonna want to buy, sell, or even post
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