understand this error?
While setting up what name instance did you give to it
Hi there, I want to speedup this in postgresql select name from table where name like "string" I could use pg trm index to speed it up, any other ways to speedup substring q...
SELECT "title" FROM "longlist" WHERE "title" LIKE 'the%'; why its returning those titles too that have a T in the?
Hi everyone, I'd like to ask you this question: I want to develop a python application to manage rugby results and I was planning to use an sqlite database. I've been advised ...
I have a rag system using elastic search like vector database, there is a best cost effective alternative to elastic search? Also that this db can run in a VM using basic reso...
Hi, I'm looking for a local NoSQL database for use with Rust and Python. My requirements are: 🔹 Easy migration and minimal overhead (similar to SQLite's .db file) 🔹 Fast read/...
I'm recruiting people to join our cryptocurrency arbitrage team. I don't charge for training, our benefit is only % of your net profit💰 My co-workers make a $100 depos...
Hi guys, I want to check go and rust as a dotnet developer but can't find reliable ORM (Official like EFCore with LINQ).. Can anyone help me to link any?
Any schema recommendations To store chat messages one-one chat and group chat messages and also message status in surrealdb ?
What does indexing actually do? I mean it's pro and cons. I know it make looking up records faster and there is the cost of the size of the DB.
in postgres if i have "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY" and some other VARCHAR UNIQUE NOT NULL data. why does the id keep incrementing when i try to add some non unique piece of data. w...
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