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I have a small task about making a system using

php laravel
Computerized System for Dental Clinic
There will be an administrator account"doctor"
User account "assistant"

But the tasks on the administrator account will be more than the user account

Of course we will have one database
There will be a table for patients and a and another table for medicines and ...

my question is

How the tasks will be distributed to both accounts
Will I make a table for the administrator account and another table for the "Assistant" user account?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

1 table for users , with profiles {doctor, assintant, etc.} 1 table for patients , with all their data 1 table for scheduled patients 1 table for payments 1 table for medicines 1 table for history actions, where you can add ID_USER, ID_PATIENT, and others fields that the DOCTOR may need, like opinions, medicines, therapy , costs, etc. from this table you'll need to get then the reports and bills.

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