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What is the best way to make it clear what

a function parameter does? E.g a function getList(optParameter) and I want to add a parameter that returns a somewhat different list. so in the call it could end up being getList(true) which is horrible since there's no way to tell what true parameter does. config obj?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

Sounds like you want a second function

Create a const for the boolean parameter: const includeDates = true; const result = getList(includeDates) Also, use JS Docs to make it clear what a parameter does. Another option is making a "private" function that takes the parameter, and other two "public" functions that handles that paramater: /** * @param { boolean | undefined } includeDates description */ function getList(includeDates) { ... } function getListWithDates() { return getList(true); } function getListWithoutDates() { return getList() }

Bruno- Автор вопроса
Alejandro Rivera
Create a const for the boolean parameter: const i...

forgot to thank you btw, that's a good solution

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