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I have idea for good project that can make the

desktop development much better in windows.
Electron - what a good framework, using html and css + js to make great apps.
But single big disadvantage - the executable is big.
why? because electron contains google chrome and every electron project contains it.
then, what do you think about electron wrapper,
that will download and install electron to user installation directory,
and then electron library wrapper that will use this installed electron for many projects?

6 ответов

11 просмотров

This is called Chrome.

Void- Автор вопроса

You can write a web app instead of an Electron app to share the Chrome binary.

Void- Автор вопроса
You can write a web app instead of an Electron app...

But it can give me the same control of electron? electron can send data to the nodejs process

Void- Автор вопроса
What control do you want?

Think from the frontend view. I want to write desktop apps in html and css , or SPA framework

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