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I'M playing with some Regex this morning. Quick question: If /<.*?>/g

returns all html <tag> matches in a document, How would i change it to include a negated character ^/ to skip the closing tags?

5 ответов

13 просмотров

You want to find all <...> but ignore the </...>, correct?

Justin-K Автор вопроса
Justin K
Thats correct mate!

I assume all the tags start with a lower case Latin letter. In that case, this should work /<[a-z]*>/g

Justin-K Автор вопроса
Pedro Aguiar
I assume all the tags start with a lower case Lati...

Yes this is definately a way around, But i was hoping to learn how to add a negative condition using ^ in the existing expression to exclude tags with / character. Please let me know, I'm sure someone knows.

Justin-K Автор вопроса
Pedro Aguiar
I assume all the tags start with a lower case Lati...

Btw, following this advice, While searching for matches using js's match() this one works better : /<[a-z].*?>/g To help, lets say for input: "<h1>winter is coming</h1><tag>You know nothing, jon snow</tag>", /<[a-z]*>/g would return [ '<tag>' ]. While /<[a-z].*?>/g would return both: [ '<h1>', '<tag>' ]. Check it out!

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