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Is there a way to discriminate unions throughout function calls? If

I use the result of a function that handles one field, it removes the connected union type information for that field.

see code and error here:


1 ответов

6 просмотров
Misan- Автор вопроса

yep I was right.. I need to tell TS to keep the union information :< const parseDenizenRecipeInput = (recipe: DenizenUnparsedRecipe) => { if (recipe.type == 'shapeless') return { ...recipe, input: recipe.input.split('|') } if (recipe.type == 'shaped') return { ...recipe, input: recipe.input.map(i => i.split('|')) } return recipe } const parseDenizenRecipe = (recipe: DenizenUnparsedRecipe): DenizenRecipe => ({ ...recipe, ...parseDenizenRecipeInput(recipe) })

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