Похожие чаты

Hi, there is a blog post I just want to gather

analytics of page

don't know the complete list of possible analytics, which are those

but like, user scrolls, interests (how much time spent on each section)
total unique users,
repeat ones
clicked events etc

can anyone share any resource, I can learn for the same and implement using JS?

12 ответов

10 просмотров

you might wanna use an already existing library like hotjar or smartlook

Meera-Patel Автор вопроса
you might wanna use an already existing library li...

wanted to create a performant webpage, a good page score etc so I think, avoiding such third party libraries can help in increasing page speed

Meera Patel
wanted to create a performant webpage, a good page...

yeah that's true, but have you tried using them and does it actually negatively impact your website (scores aside)

Meera-Patel Автор вопроса
yeah that's true, but have you tried using them an...

Yes, point should try implementing before taking a call

Meera Patel
wanted to create a performant webpage, a good page...

Third party libraries, at least the ones which are very much used, are much more streamlined and feature-rich than you can hope to make yourself

Meera-Patel Автор вопроса
Meera-Patel Автор вопроса

Ok, Thanks for suggesting

what do you recommend

Page captured by the library maybe sent somewhere else, behind the scenes

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