Похожие чаты

Can you recommend a tool similar to mathjs to calculate

simple equations? Like (a + b)
I want to be able to store formulas and compute them with state.

13 ответов

5 просмотров

But you're a smart guy Misan, it's not many lines to parse basic math

is z3 available for js

Misan- Автор вопроса
But you're a smart guy Misan, it's not many lines ...

☺️ I am giving it a try. but I am a little under time pressure

imagine writing your own parser

(meanwhile me: pypi.org/project/json-parser )

But you're a smart guy Misan, it's not many lines ...

it's not many lines to parse sexp or rpn 🙂

Misan- Автор вопроса

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