insert a dummy html into the htmlMarker. Then mount vue onto the reference.
I tried now multiple things.. I am at the end of my wits :/ I can't $mount it or use el: #id, because that requires to include the complete compiler runtime into the clientcode - I don't want that. You cannot call render() on the component to be mounted on another element.. what is this D:
Should be able to call vm = new Vue({ render(h) { return h(TheComponent, { props: { data: 1, } }) }, }); vm.$mount(elementReferenceInsideLeafletHtmlMarker) This only require Vue runtime. Not the template compiler
lets see.. thanks
how can I pass global functions like $axios?
hmm.. still researching.. I remember having this issue when I tried doing it last time..
are you using a framework like nuxt, or do you have control over Vue yourself?
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