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Anyone know of an object oriented database/store which doesn't require

a server and which has persistent store (preferably JSON), also schema/validation support?

At the moment I'm using lowdb with a JSON validator to achieve similar to what I'm after. Just wondering if there's anything out there which achieves this without the need to run a server (mongo, etc...)

4 ответов

7 просмотров

lowdb can also run in the browser. or what do you mean with "doesn't require a server"

LKD70-🇬🇧 Автор вопроса
lowdb can also run in the browser. or what do you ...

Yes that's why I'm using lowdb at the moment. But lowdb doesn't have schema or validation support without writing mixins. Was wondering if anything does or whether that's the approach to take.

LKD70 🇬🇧
Yes that's why I'm using lowdb at the moment. But ...

nodejs is mostly full-blown frameworks or modules you connect yourself. You could use joi and lowdb together? no?

LKD70-🇬🇧 Автор вопроса
nodejs is mostly full-blown frameworks or modules ...

Yes, that's essentially what I'm doing at the moment. Though I assumed there may be something more similar to mongoose though without the mongo overhead

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