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Hey hey, guys! I'm stuck with a problem. Maybe, you

can help me with it as I couldn't find a solution in google/stackoverflow.
I have a percent-encoded binary data from PHP (urlencode function is used ). And I want to decode it and get a string (of bytes) which I need to pass to a spefical function and save to a file. I try using String.fromCharCode( parseInt(hex, 16)) to decode a hex value to a byte. The problem is with values which is not ASCII (> 0x7F). JS converts it somehow.
Example: for %E9, String.fromCharCode( parseInt("E9", 16)) returns actually 0xC3 0xA9(it's what i see when i save the string to a file), instead of 0xE9.
So, is it possible to archive what i need with pure JS? And how?
I should mention that I work in a very spefic environment. It's node.js, but i cannot use a lot of things like Buffers. So it's more like js in browser

1 ответов

9 просмотров

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11815883/convert-non-ascii-characters-umlauts-accents-to-their-closest-ascii-equiva Maybe this would help out?

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