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NodeJS is single threaded for a program that reads a

file asyncronously
in this program
if file reading operation starts and the method give the control back to the main execution so that the remaingn code can execute
now as said before it is single threaded than how the multi execution will take place
i.e 1) reading the file
2) exectuing the next statements
as node is just a single threaded

also what if the very next execution needs the upper execution' result (which is async operation)
for this particular case. there would be no any advantage for aysnc right ?

1 ответов

12 просмотров

node makes an asynchronous call to read the file, remembers to call a callback when reading is done, and continues to execute the current stack. When node is idle, it waits for the os to report it's done reading the file, and then it calls the callback there would be no any advantage for aysnc right ? there is. While the async operation is not done yet, node can run other code, such as processing other requests

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