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Nothing is a keyword ?

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Hey! Welcome to the JavaScript group. First of all, please read the rules: @thedevsrules Want to learn JavaScript and conquer the world? Start here: Tutorials and Books - JavaScript For Cats is a dead simply introduction for new programmers. - MDN JavaScript Guide has the most standard and straightforward tutorials. If you need references, MDN is here for you too. - You Don’t Know JS is the best book to learn JavaScript from. It’s free to read on GitHub. - Eloquent JavaScript is another great introduction to programming and learning JavaScript. - Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet helps you understand and learn all the new features in the language. - JSBooks, a collection of free JavaScript books. Videos and Courses - JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts an incredible course which teaches the concepts of the language. First 3 hours are free on YouTube, you can but the whole course from Udemy - FunFunFunction makes the learning process enjoyable. - Javascript30, 30 videos to level up your skills. - Traversy Media great contents mostly aimed for begginers. Learn by Doing - FreeCodeCamp, learn to code by building projects. - CodeAcademy, learn to code interactively. - Codewars, train with programming challenges. Functional Programming This where the true the good parts show theirselves. - JSUnconf 2016, learn functional programming basics with this talk from Anjana Vakil. - FunFunFunction's videos are a great start. - Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming and Functional Light JS will make you master the functional programming. - JavaScript Allongé, programming from functions to classes. - Functional Programming Jargon in simple terms. - awesome-fp-js is a good reference for functional programming in JavaScript. Other Resources - Spellbook of Modern Web Dev is a big picture of modern JavaScript development. - What the fuck JavaScript?, list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples. What’s next? You can learn Node.js for backend, or go crazy with front-end frameworks, or even further, create mobile applications. More resource commands: !react

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