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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Wes Bos

We highly recommend Wes Bos' React courses:
- React For Beginners is a step-by-step training course to get you building real world React applications.
- Fullstack Advanced React & GraphQL is an excellent course that teaches you to create React applications with latest technologies.
- Learn Redux is a free course that will simply the learning of Redux.

Tutorials and books
- React Official Docs is the best place to start. React has a great documentaion.
- React Enlightenment is a well written online book.
- React Bits is a compilation of patterns, techniques, tips and tricks.

Videos and Courses
- Egghead, with lots of high quality free courses by well-know instructors such as Dan Abramov, the creator of Redux.
- Academind has a well made React course.
- Traversy Media's React crash course is very useful for beginners.
- The Net Ninja's complete React/Redux tutorial.
- LearnCodeAcademy's course is the most viewed React course on YouTube.

What's next?
- Learn more about Redux (http://redux.js.org/) and other state managers.
- Find out about server-side rendering and get to know frameworks like Next.js (https://github.com/zeit/next.js/).
- Start creating mobile applications with React Native (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/).
- Use GraphQL (http://graphql.org/) for your APIs.

If you want to level-up your JavaScript knowledge, use !javascript.

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