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I'M learning ethical or white hat hacking It needs to know

programming languages, so on Java
What should I learn?

4 ответов

4 просмотра

so join to java channel. Java not the same as Java Script. Completely.


If you need to learn about the possibilities you have with javascript, this recent article is a good start: https://hackernoon.com/im-harvesting-credit-card-numbers-and-passwords-from-your-site-here-s-how-9a8cb347c5b5

Read this mate: If the term hacking used alone, It refers then or may indicate a black hat and malicious hacking. If you wanna express the term hacking, you should say white hate or ethical hacker, which is also s lossy term. A higher linguistically term would be, a security specialist, that's who protects against malicious hacker. Security forensic and analysts are people who work to uncover the achieved hacks. Second what languages do you wanna learn? To be a successful "hacker" you must be a very intelligent programmer, (although there are like short paths to learn only the required parts of a language which relates to a security). If you wanna work with web security you should study the web, how the requests are initiated from the browser and what happens till they reach the web server. You should study the web servers like apache, nginx etc. So you should specialize in a field thats a very broad term

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