I may suggest these stuff: Toturials: 1. Codecademy has a good toturial: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/javascript-intermediate-en-NJ7Lr/0/1 2. Udacity has this great toturial for making compilers and it starts with a very simple introduction to RegExes, I highly recommand this: https://www.udacity.com/course/programming-languages--cs262 Tools: 1. Regulex: It's a tool that gets your RegExp and draws a diagram that shows you how it's interpreted: https://jex.im/regulex/#!embed=false&flags=&re=%5E(a%7Cb)*%3F%24 2. RegExr (it's mentioned so I don't say more) 3. Orchestra Language: It's a new language we're making that let's you use a visual language (much like Scratch) to describe your RegEx and it makes it really easy for you to learn the language. It's still in it's heavy development phase but you can test it and learn the stuff: https://github.com/karyfoundation/orchestra
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