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Does anyone have any ideas what's I'm doing wrong here?

13 ответов

9 просмотров

Not sure what's exactly your goal, but what you need to make it work is just understanding of what @SpringBootApplicstion and @ComponentScan annotations do. Here's first Google result with some nice self explanatory examples https://www.baeldung.com/spring-component-scanning https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot/ (See text that starts with SpringBootApplication is a convenience annotation that adds all of the following..... )

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym-R. Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
Not sure what's exactly your goal, but what you ne...

the goal is to run UI with client, for now the program is running if I put @ComponentScan on main class, but UI doesn't work at all, as you can see my screen above

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym-R. Автор вопроса
ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym R.
the goal is to run UI with client, for now the pro...

Not sure what is "UI" here and what is "client". Do you want to have 2 different spring boot applications in single project? That won't work

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym-R. Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
Not sure what is "UI" here and what is "client". D...

yes, you're right I have client and UI in the same project, it actually works, but without db logic

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym R.
the goal is to run UI with client, for now the pro...

Your UI in essence depends on the client is my understanding correct? Are those Java modules or are they just two separate projects which you call "modules" because of intellij nomenclature? I saw your repository is in client and you're perhaps using auto wired somewhere in the UI for the repository?

Man, sharing IDE screenshots won't work. Nobody cares how IDE sees it)) How the spring boot jar is being built - it's the only thing that matters

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym-R. Автор вопроса
Your UI in essence depends on the client is my und...

okay, I'll share the project for easier understanding, no prob

Dmytro Buryak
Man, sharing IDE screenshots won't work. Nobody ca...

There are two jars is what I understand from his project structure so far based on screenshots and the poms shared.

There are two jars is what I understand from his p...

And I see it differently - 2 main classes in one sub-project, and no main classes at all in other one. Screenshots are useless for such kind of things )) We may guess for ages)

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Maksym R.
okay, I'll share the project for easier understand...

Imo all that you need to do is add dependency of your client in the UI and the client shouldn't be a spring boot application it should be a library for your UI. Not sure what exactly what you wanna achieve by extracting client logic separate but whatever I've said above is my take on your issue.

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